Dental Therapists Registration Board of Nigeria. Established by Decree 81 of August 25, 1993 embodied in Cap D7 of the Laws of Federation of Nigeria 2004.
The Dental Therapists’ Registration Board of Nigeria is a Parastatal of Federal Ministry of Health established by Decree 81 of 25th August 1993 embodied in CAP D7 of LFN 2004 to regulate efficiently the trainings and professional practices of Dental Therapists and its allied Cadres i.e Dental Surgery Technicians/Assistants was promulgated to specially perform functions that are geared towards promoting a healthy oral hygiene.
Some of our functions are and not limited to:
- To register and issue valid renewable licences to Dental Therapists, Dental Surgery Technicians and Dental Surgery Assistants.
- To determine the standard body of knowledge and skills to be attained by persons seeking to become members of the professions under the regulation of the Board.
- To inspect and monitor the trainings and practices of our professionals from time to time and as circumstances may permit us
- To conduct professional examinations and award certificates to successful candidates.
- To publish the names of registered professionals and list of accredited training institutions for public knowledge
- To organize continuing professional development programmes in order to keep our professionals abreast of latest development in dentistry.
- To ensure that our professionals operate within the confines of the registration act and comply with the ethics of the professions
Professionals we regulate
Dental Therapists Professionals
Dental Therapists Officers
Dental Surgery Assistants
We Work With our Mission & Vision
We provide leadership in promoting the machinery necessary to establish the right conditions for our professionals under the purview of the Board, supporting quality research, education,awareness and outreach efforts, enforcing industry regulations that will guide Professionals and the public in mitigating poor oral hygiene, while providing national policy direction in combating quackery and moving the country to a more healthy and safe oral health care delivery system
Her vision is improving and maintaining excellence in the practice of all professions under the Board.
The mission of the Board is to regulate the practice of its professionals in the most efficient and effective manner that upholds and protects the best oral health care delivery system in the country.
Our Core Values
- Integrity
- Respect
- Professionalism
- Care
- Innovation
- Drive